
Apparently there is a violent crime problem in Seattle. Weird right? The local news reports that people are calling upon the mayor to address this problem. ‘This has got to be fixed!’… I’m sure concerned local citizens are crying out at city council meetings and maybe even during meet and greets when community leaders walk about town making people believe they actually have a purpose. (the leaders not the people). During this snippet on the news it showed a guy smashing car windows with a pole. Hmm…

My concern with this kind of shift in societal behavior falls on who’s really accountable. Can the mayor really make a difference? Can the police? Of course they can! Strong arm the citizens and control everything they do! Good plan right?

Obviously this isn’t the answer. Maybe for Soviet Russia or The China Republic, but not for us. Or is it? The problem is not with the performance of our government or police. The problem is our society. We as humans are scared to hold each other accountable without the cloak of government. Some people simply shouldn’t reproduce. Those that do can really suck at parenting. Children aren’t taught discipline and grown adults are simply irresponsible. A little too obvious of a statement?

The problems we have with violence and social misbehaving are troubling to say the least. The fact that people will walk away from some issues is even more troubling. Worst of all of it, there doesn’t seem to be any way possible to get our communities to stand up and actually make real change. Change is made in smaller communities for sure. City neighborhoods fight for covenants, racial groups fight for equality and wealth classes fight for what benefits them. How about people fighting for acceptance of other people? People holding other people accountable? A black man wants to gain equality by saying they deserve all the rights of everyone else yet they still want to maintain their heritage? Well nucka, guess what? You want you and your people recognized? Be prepared to police up your ‘kind’ and answer for all the shit every other one of your brothas does. Same goes for any other religion or social group. That notion in mind, we as human beings need to get our shit together. No matter who we are or what our purpose in life is, we need to quit relying on pseudo-leaders to fix our problems.

Blah blah blah… so many people have answers to how the world is going to change. I for one am sorely disappointed that the whole 2012 thing wasn’t real… We really need a fresh start.

Blank be drawn…

Sometimes I can’t write much because my mind is so occupied with random things. I don’t have any sort of attention deficit… Wait… maybe I do… 

I guess it comes with the territory of what I’ve done with my life. I’ve had well over thirty different jobs, traveled all around the country and a few parts of the world, been with, uhmm… I’ve had a few relationships and have more stories so far than I have hairs on my head.

Sometimes I want to write about betrayal from friends as well as enemies. Other times I want to write about happy cheery things. Tonight all I can think about is eating a lot of food. I’ve gained twenty pounds since last fall and I’m not happy about it. My muscle mass has dropped and my gut has found the easiest way to expand… Time to think about getting back in shape… again.

My plan is in place for the next chapter in my life and I feel pretty good about it. The boat is officially sold and the wheels are turning to facilitate my move to a new place. Pun intended. I don’t feel my life is as interesting as I’d like it to be as it happens so I tend to leave the commentary of my daily life at bay. When it’s passed I feel a bit better about telling the story whether it was a success or failure.

Once I’m settled I’ll try to share words of pseudo-wisdom from the confused life I tend to live. 

Dude… check out that squirrel doing the Macarena…

Being nice…

I’ve been on the move a lot lately. Trying to minimize my life and minimize my things has been wearing me down. In all of this I’ve realized something that has come a lot easier for me… Being nice. It’s getting me quite far when it comes to dealing with little predicaments I’ve been in. This isn’t a new concept by any means but when we have less stress in life, it’s so much easier to be nicer. In my opinion at least.


I kept the phone off today and spent some time doing whatever the hell I damn well please. What exactly was that? A crash course in CSS and PHP functions… I’ve put aside the notion of using my understanding of computers and web development for pride and the desire to do ‘cooler’ things in my life. How stupid was I?

I’m onward to the next adventure in my life and as much as I want to say exactly what will happen, I don’t want jinx myself right now…  day by day I’ll work on developing myself…

Elephants among us…

Why the hell do people have to stomp when they walk? So I’m sitting in a pretty nice hotel room that I got for dirt cheap and wouldn’t ya know, the dumbwits staying above me seem to have the need to walk balk and forth fifty times an hour. I know they aren’t doing it on purpose and it would be futile if I tried to complain to anyone about it. Just like the japanese exchange students would stomp at the dorms I was staying at, there is something I’ve learned that a lot of people have in common.

It goes back to a lack of consideration. It’s more than stomping feet, or slamming doors or even slamming cupboards on the other side of a wall of a room in which you try to sleep. I wonder sometimes if people were never taught it while growing up or if they have such an ego that they decided one day to not give a flying fudge about anyone else.

On a micro level it’s a simple concept to understand but could there be any relation to why entire population groups act the same exact way?

Dog Ass Tired…

I am reminded today why I don’t want to do manual labor as a career. From eight in the morning till four in the afternoon it was a non-stop chainsaw wielding massacre on trees and an even bigger massacre on my arms from the damn blackberry bushes. Down a steep embankment as well. I’m so sore I can’t walk straight. As a treat to myself tonight I decided to begin another journey down filling my head with something a little more worthwhile than how to put a face-cut in a tree. I’m going to explore the avenue of web development again. It’s something I’ve considered before but have turned a cheek to because I declared I don’t want to be sitting at a desk all day looking at a computer. Funny thing, if I fly for a job I’ll be sitting in a chair staring out the window for who knows how many hours a day. As I make matters more confusing in my life, I’m hitting the road driving trucks again. It is a failsafe transition for me into having a bit of a normal life. California is my domicile as I take ‘home time’ which will make settling into an area much easier than being some unemployed bright eyed mess with nothing but money in the bank and a desire to live the good life. Flying is still in my sights but I have a grander plan than simply running with the rest of the herd…

Left foot forward…

I’ve lost all creative bones in my body lately. I’ve been coming to terms with the realities of my life and everything is absolutely wonderful. Friends have shown their true colors and I’ve been able to come to terms with people in my life that have proven to do me no good. I’ve got a plan in place and I think it’ll work. I’ve realized I want to fly for fun, not necessarily for a job. Either way, I’m going to settle into a Southern California city and start a new life. However messy it seems, it’s the best option I’ve come up with. Until next time… Here’s to indecisiveness!